
舞根のおばちゃん達がホタテの出荷の特訓中!津波後の成長が驚くほど速く、一般宅配も初夏を待たずにもうすぐ開始。「おっきいの入れでやっぺす!」「サイズ合わせねげダメだっちゃ!」、、、仮設工場は毎日 大騒ぎ。

Hard and lively training of our bringingout of scallops of womens at Mone bay!
after the Tsunami sehllfish are growing and growing stunningly. so we decided to restart home delivery of scallops.
" It's so big size ! Let's send it out!"
"One box, one size! OK!? "

Our provisional factory at Mohne bay is full of bounce every day.


The teachers of universities nationwide are continuously researching environment after the Tsunami at Mohne bay and around this aera,and fishermen have helped the investigation.

With repetition, they became " good sampling technicians" .

They looks very learned!?


Ground subsidence has been more than a meter by the 2011 .3.11 earthquake in 'Sanriku' coastal area.

Tidal flats of the past was disappeared,and now, a new one appeared along the past town and road sank into the sea.

A lot of fish are swimming, so many birds flying aiming them, and 'asari' clams are full to the brim there.

Than mourn those disappeared, try to hold new born dear.

I decided to think so.