本日13:30〜 (シンポジウムネット中継) 「森は海の恋人」畠山重篤 基調講演「震災復興に向けて〜森と海の連環〜」 

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放送日時 : 5月22日(日) 13:30〜17:00 




>>基調講演「震災復興に向けて〜森と海の連環〜 」

 畠山重篤 NPO法人「森は海の恋人」代表、京都大学社会連携教授

>> パネルディスカッション

 コーディネーター:武内和彦 国連大学副学長、日本造園学会会長


 畠山重篤 NPO法人「森は海の恋人」代表 

 スリカンタ・へラート 国連大学サステイナビリティと平和研究所(UNU-ISP )学術審議官

 田中克 京都大学名誉教授

 末松広行 林野庁林政部長

 橋本牧 水産庁漁港漁場整備部長

 渡邉綱男 環境省自然環境局長

※主催:国連大学(UNU-ISP)、農林水産省環境省 ※共催:共催: (社)国土緑化推進機構、美しい森林(もり)づくり全国推進会議、日本造園学会NPO法人国際自然大学校、東京農業大学、公益財団法人国連大学協力会、東京大学サステイナビリティ学連携研究機構、地球環境パートナーシッププラザ(GEOC) ほか<>

The massive earthquake and tsunami which hit Northeastern Japan devastated much of the fisheries and agricultural industries in the region, and consequently the livelihoods of many of the people living there. This symposium will address ways to rebuild while exploring the possibility to do so with environmentally friendly sustainable policies.

Mr. Shigeatsu Hatakeyama, the founder of the NPO “Kaki no Mori wo Shitau Kai (NPO Mori wa Umi no Koibito)", (The forest is longing for the sea, the sea is longing for the forest), has firsthand experience as a practitioner in both industries and is also a survivor of the disaster. He will give a talk addressing the important but often overlooked link between the forest and the sea, human habitats, biodiversity, and the revival of agricultural forestry industries and fisheries.

His talk will be followed by presentations and a panel discussion consisting of specialists and policymakers who will address proposals to support the people of the affected regions.

Presentation Title: “Post-Earthquake Rebuilding: The link between forest and sea”

Speaker: Shigeatsu Hatakeyama (Founder, “Mori wa Umi no Koibito”; Professor of Field Studies and Practical Learning, Kyoto University)

Panel Discussion

Facilitator: Kazuhiko Takeuchi (Vice-Rector, United Nations University; Director, Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture)

Panelists: Shigeatsu Hatakeyama (Founder, “Mori wa Umi no Koibito”; Professor of Field Studies and Practical Learning, Kyoto University)
Srikantha Herath (Academic Programme Officer, United Nations University Institute for Sustainability and Peace)
Masaru Tanaka (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University)
Hiroyuki Suematsu (Director General, Forest Policy Planning Department, Forestry Agency)
Osamu Hashimoto (Director General, Fisheries Infrastructure Department, Fisheries Agency)
Tsunao Watanabe (Director General, Nature Conservation Bureau, Ministry of the Environment)

